0517-15Rivet, for mounting Vent wing locks, Sedan, 4 pieces
In Stock
0340Vent wing seals, as pair
€ 0,60 incl
€ 22,95 incl
0340-1Vertical vent wing seals, as pair
€ 2,50 incl
Limited stock
0517-01Vent wing lock left / right
€ 35,95 incl
0517-015Vent wing lock catch, left/righteach
€ 7,95 incl
0517-016Vent wing lock catch, left/righteach
€ 8,95 incl
0517-750Pivot set vent wing
€ 16,95 incl
0342-050Seal glass to ventframe, TQ (1)
€ 21,95 incl
0517-700Vent window assembly, chromeleft
€ 250,00 incl
0517-710Vent window assembly, chromeright
0517-800Vent window assembly, whiteleft
€ 109,95 incl
0517-810Vent window assembly, whiteright
7410Vent wing seals, left, each
€ 19,95 incl
7411Vent wing seals, right, each
€ 18,95 incl
7412Vent wing flap seal, L/R, as pair
€ 3,95 incl
8994-200Vent wing window, left
8994-205Vent wing window, right
0342Seal glass to ventframe - Beetle, Type 3, Bus 12/52-07/79 / Fresh...
€ 15,95 incl
0517-701Vent wing upper mount bracket, left/chrome
0517-705Vent window divisionbar, left, chrome
€ 85,00 incl
0517-711Vent wing upper mount bracket, right/chrome
0517-715Vent window divisionbar, right, chrome
0156-745Door window frame complete kit left
€ 995,00 incl
0156-755Door window frame complete kit right
Not In Stock
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